So I must be the worst blogger out there because as you can clearly see I haven't blogged for 2 months! Sorry about that but it has been a busy summer and I do like to be outside as much as I can while it's so nice out! But I will give you the long update on what has been happening and what has kept me from updating!

I got a new design for a laptop case, Tricia practically demanded that she get the first one and she hovered over me for 5 hours while I worked on it. Finally at midnight I told her no more I have to go to bed. With the next day being easter it was going to be a busy day. When I was with my family on Sunday Tricia practically wanted to kick me out of the house to go home and finish it for her! I finished one for her, myself and Tammie and it has been the best for toting around my mac, I love it!

The next new adventure was creating my first skirt! I never knew making an A-line skirt could be so simple! I have made a few for myself for the summer and a couple for friends who just love them. There is nothing better then getting to throw on a cute skirt and shoes to run out the door for work or errands, have I ever mentioned I don't like to be cold?

On May 17th Allison and I thew our friend Jess a baby shower. This is her first child so it was extra exciting! As a main activity with the guests we decorated onesies of all sizes, we used paint, buttons, ribbon, stamps and iron on designs to make 20 onesies. The new baby is going to have lots of outfits to wear for the next year!

Here is Jess opening up her gift from me. I made her this great flannel blanket and a red diaper bag (which is sitting in front of her).

Here is a group shot of all the ladies who came to the shower, it was so much fun I can't wait to host my next party. Someone is going to have to get married or have a baby, get on it people!

On May 31st I thew my second purse party, thanks to all of you who came out for it! I had great weather and got a great tan sitting outside talking with everyone who came.

Some great friends from high school came out to support me, thanks ladies!

After 2 years of school, Jimmy graduated! He graduated from ITT tech with a degree in computer networking systems, so he is officially a nerd! I am so proud of him, he worked so hard, I can't wait to see what he does in the future!

My birthday was in June so the ladies and I went out to Maynards for a fun evening out, it was a great time and it was fun to see everyone!

On June 30th we welcomed Ella Mary into the world! She is so cute, I can't wait to watch her grow up! Also she gives me a great opportunity to make more baby stuff! Oh what fun!

Jimmy and I got away for the 4th of July, we went to both Danbury and Hurley Wisconsin to be with our families at their cabins. We had a great time and the Vavrichek boys put on a great firework show!

Finally we come to present day. I have a new product called trans web which allows me to do a form of embroidery on anything! Here is one example on a onesie that I have for sale. There is going to be more of this once I have a day off to play around with it. So check back soon! Also I have finally started my
Etsy shop! Please stop by to check out what I have posted so far. There will be more posted soon. One great thing about it is that I can now take credit card as a form of payment through paypal and I will ship anywhere in the United States! I am still taking custom orders so convo me if you have any ideas!
The summer is still packed with plans, which is great but also makes the summer fly by way too fast! As a July resolution I am going to post more often, 2 months in between is just too long! Thanks for all of your support and I hope you enjoy reading my blog!
PS I'm hoping to have a new blog design sometime soon, just another addition to my long to do list!